Look at all this great cook ware. Martin's birthday is soon. Wonder how much these are.
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Sunday, December 27, 2009
27th Some of my Favorite Things...
A Lundby Vase is on the left in the photo. I went to my first Miniature Show and Oh My Gosh... I went back the next day with my Lundby dolls and precious furniture items in tow. I had to be sure everything was the right size. I purchased the two vases on the right. They were handmade in England a few years back and I was told the artist was no longer in business. Then Hubby took me to the only Miniature store still in business in the Chicagoland area and purchased the tiny roses to put in the vases. My rule is "It must be LUNDBY or better". Once in a while I do find better! Very happy that Miniature store isn't close by either! We only visit on special occassions because I get lost inside for hours and hours.
Below are two Antique Store finds. The box of Tinsel on the left has actual foil made to look like small strands of tinsel in it. I forked over a whole 50 cents for that. The little book on the right I find amazing. The title is "Santa Claus - Paper Dolls in Full Color". I also bought that at the antique store in a tiny lot of books for 50 cents. The Xmas tablecloth I made from vintage fabric.
The setting below was inspired by Swede Pat and Lundby. She sent me two very old Lundby placemats with tiny plates glued on and a fork attached. I could not find anymore of those in current Lundby items so... During my summer travels I searched everywhere I could for vintage small print fabric. If the fabric was dirty I would clean it with some mild soap and then starch it and press it flat. I would then figure out the size I wanted and begin cutting. (Very hard to get straight lines for me.) Once I got the size and shape I wanted I would pull the tiny threads to fray the edges just the other Lundby items. Then I made the white placemats to add to the tablecloth. Then I went mad and made very tiny squares for napkins and folded them so they looked very life like. A tiny dab of glue holds the center and I was agast at what I could create. So I continued and made the tiny chair decor thingies. I'm not a fancy lady but I sure do want my Lundby Peeps to have the best of everything.
Thanks for letting me share. More posts to come. The next miniature show in the area is early January and I don't care if its blizzarding and ice blocks are falling out of the sky, I will get there. I'm sure they'll remember me. I went the first day last time by myself. The second day hubby showed up to join in the fun and to pull me out of there before I sold the house for more miniatures.
27th More of My Favorite Things...
When I first received the Lundby bags in my Advent calendar I quickly thought they were just too darn big. Shortly after I lost my job I decided to get busy and try to make some smaller ones. The two bags that say Merry Christmas on them are made by Lundby. The other five bags in the photo were made by me. I'm so glad I took the time. I examined the Lundby bags and made a pattern and away I went looking for the thick paper and adornments. I also have plainer bags that I use for groceries. The fancy bags I use to store extra clothes in and put in the wardrobe or leave them out for decor. I have some extra of these bags that are currently listed on eBay along with some Lundby size vintage groceries.
Saturday, December 26, 2009
26th Christmas Day for the Big & Little Peeps
The photo below is of what Hubby got for Christmas. I wrapped each item so he'll never know how many gifts he actually received. My present was to sit and watch. He just loved everything. He got out the magnifying glass and started inspecting. He told me where to put the Candleabra. He started figuring what should go where. He got so excited about finally having the red curtains for his special red kitchen. He immediately started working on names for the new neighbors. We laughed and laughed. He wondered where we should put the lamp post. He was so impressed with the new rugs. He told me Martin would be cooking up some treats for Mary soon. He suggested I get some girlie items to put in the purses. His belly jiggled with amusement and his spirit was filled with extreme joy from the miniatures and smalls bestowed upon him. It was the BEST!!!
With help from wonderful Lundby pals and others I amassed a flea market's worth of Vintage Lundby items. Oh the pure joy! Our bellies rumbled as we matched the new adult lady dolls with the handsome new males and figured out who was going to live where on Lundby Lane. We have some very nice Swedish folks moving in. We also have some Italian looking folks who have a son. We hope to meet them all soon. Stay tuned...

Hubby cooks Christmas dinner. All days prior to Xmas consisted of gettting ready for work, working all day, having a bite to eat then sleeping. This went on for days. He looks so tired yet content. I'd been asking for the homemade lasagna since fall and I finally got it! All ingredients were from Trader Joe's. The best grocery store ever! Yipee!!! I love YOU Honey... I pray you have a wonderful long sleep. I'll get busy working on Lundby Lane.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
24th Mary is near home after shopping all day.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
22nd Martin has been cooking all afternoon.
A closer look at my tasty treats!
Martin here saying HELLO again! Oh gosh have I been busy. I got the outdoor deck about ready for Xmas eve and then I’ve been in the kitchen all afternoon. I was able to clean up the mess before you stopped by. I wonder where Mary is. Well I’m ready to have a nice cold root beer. I think Mary will be pleased. I’ve got the Cornish hens resting. I’ve finished the Large Green Swedish pie (old neighborhood tradition) that is chilling on the scale. On the side board I have the pizza done and the cherry cheesecake ready to go. I got the Christmas table cloth out and ironed it. The chocolate with chocolate ganache and chocolate wipped icing cake is ready. The bread is tasty and done. The homemade candies are in the red dish ready for Mary to taste. The Jell-O dish is prepared. The vegetable dish and fruit bowl look pretty good. Now all I need is for my lovely wife to come home and kiss me on the forehead because I even took the garbage out. Oh where is Mary...
22nd Christmas is Coming on Lundby Lane
Hello, Good to see you today! I am Martin J. Stockholm and I live on Lundby Lane with my lovely wife Mary. I hope you can help me because I am very troubled. This is our first Christmas in our new Mansion and the fireplace chimney is much smaller than our older house. I am trying to figure out how to get down this chimney. My wife Mary sent me up to our roof top deck to get things all settled for Christmas Eve. My feet got so cold I started a little fire. Wish I had a thermos for my coffee. I’ve also got to get the tree decorated and bring up more chairs. Christmas is in a couple days and we’ll be having some neighborhood friends over for a bonfire, hot chocolate and homemade treats. I am also the cook in the family and wait till you see the mess I made in the kitchen. I’ve got to keep busy so I stay warm and can get everything done. Sorry but Mary isn’t here right now. She’s out shopping again today and she won’t tell me anything about it. I am sure you will get to meet her later. I wonder what little treasures she has in store for me. She is the perfect Christmas elf and loves to bring me joy and that is why I spoil her so. Hope to see you all again.
You might want to check in on my twin brother Hans. He lives in Sweden with this family. They are getting ready for Christmas too. I taught him how to cook. :-)
Monday, December 21, 2009
21st Less than a Year Later...
My Stockholm Mansion!
To think this took less than 365 days to create makes me chuckle aloud. When I am on a mission I stay focused. Oh the joy, bliss, glee, delight, amusement, merriment, excitement and bottom of the belly laughter will not stop anytime soon.
Lundby Stockholm,
Stockholm Mansion
Sunday, December 20, 2009
First Blog - How it all started...
My husband is a thoughtful man who enjoys watching me have fun. He wandered into a local antique store prior to Christmas 2008 and found the deal of a life time. He purchased it without question and left the store not knowing what he had, but he knew he had something good. On Christmas morning he told me to clear the coffee table. I thought I was done opening the usual type of presents. He told me again to clear the coffee table so I did. Here came this big package wrapped neatly in one of those large Xmas bags. I needed every inch of that coffee table for my very first LUNDBY Doll's House. I was in awe. Each room had some goodies packaged in it. With each discovery I moved further and further towards speechless until I was only able to giggle and shake with pure joy while I kept opening and opening. He enjoyed watching me.
I installed all the Lundby items I had received and added what other items I had. Note the plastic fireplace and out of scale furniture. I was so happy! I wanted to cover up the little holes in the walls because I didn't know what they were for. This was my best Christmas present ever! As a child my folks were just plain ole hardworking folks. We always had food on the table and decent clothes to wear but never was a doll house to be found.
It is NEVER too Late to have a happy Childhood!
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