Welcome to Lundby Lane

This blog chronicles The Life and Times on Lundby Lane...

It is a continuing saga of the events & goings on of the little people (peeps) and their amazing adventures.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Hogarins Go Bike Riding

Felipe and Rigoberta rent a bicycle for a leisurely ride.
Rigobeta has offered the be the rider and Felipe is to relax and enjoy the ride.

Along comes a young whipper-snapper showing off.

Felipe thinks she's cute but her head sure is big.

He tells Rigoberta "Faster dear, Faster!"

Needless to say the young girl speeds ahead and is long gone in the blink of an eye.

Felipe comments to Rigoberta "Gosh honey, they sure have a variety of peeps up here."

This is just another day in the life of the Hogarins visiting the Cottage on Lundby Lane. Sadly to say they will be packing up soon and heading back to Texas. Please stop by again because Felipe has planned a delightful surprise evening for Rigoberta.

The Hogarins have contacted Millie the rental agent for the Cottage and asked if they could stay longer but Millie has told them another visitor group is scheduled.


  1. They look like they're really enjoying their bike ride! Such a nice sunny day for it - they have found some fun, relaxing things to do while visiting :-)

  2. Hola!!!!
    He pasado para ver como le va a la parejita!!!!!
    Ya veo que han salido a pasear. Esto es como una telenovela, no veas como engancha jejejejejej
    Volvere a pasar, para ver si al final dejan la casita.
    besitos ascension
