Welcome to Lundby Lane

This blog chronicles The Life and Times on Lundby Lane...

It is a continuing saga of the events & goings on of the little people (peeps) and their amazing adventures.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Vintage Doll House Items

More antique store shopping. Just look at what Hubby found. This treasure was never played with. After discounts the cost was $8.40 USD. The box reads "Hand crafted in Rural England". This is a very interesting set because the chairs are too small for the table and only work with the Lundby children yet the table is a very good size. No matter because I like it, it's mine and I especially like the two tone wood. The buffet is awesome too although a tad big.

Look at what I found in a case. It was folded up and didn't look right to me so I asked to see it closer. The bottom reads "Made in USA / Pat Pend". It is 1:16 scale and perfect for my little peeps. I can never have too many chairs. I was amazed that the price was $2. USD. Mine, mine, mine... It's all mine now.

When I find interesting vintage doll house items I will gladly take photos and post them. I love to find a great deal in any store but it's always better when it's Vintage and quality. If you know the maker or have further information on this folding chair I would appreciate you sharing your knowledge but don't go to any great length because it doesn't matter that much to me.

Credits: Antique stores in South Eastern Wisconsin provided both items. We had traveled there last month. These were stores we had never shopped at before.


  1. It's a lovely Dol-toi set - I have the sideboard in my Swan house, so it's nice to see the set it came in. The other little chair is great, isn't it? Very nifty - hope someone does recognise it :-)

  2. Your odd little chair is part of a "card table" set made by Ideal Toy co in the late 1940s...amazing that they made them "foldable" just like the real thing! My set is mixed, with 2 chairs with ivory seats and 2 chairs ivory with dark seats. Renwal also has a similar set made at the same time.
    So you like Dol Toi...you just gave me a new idea!

  3. Great to find the Dol-toi set complete AND boxed. I thought the folding chair was Renwal so really interesting to hear they were made by the Ideal Toy Co. Must check the set out on Florine's blog.


  4. Very cool. I love to know who made what. I REALLY would like to know the English toys journey to here! xoxo CM

  5. Hi Rebecca, Flo, Pan and CM. Wouldn't you know that Florine knew. Thanks much Flo. I can't totally fathom buying something as detailed, in good shape and atleast 60 years old for $2.00. You got me thinking CM. Who in Wisconsin bought that box of Dol Toi furniture and why was it never played with. Interesting! We saw quite a few homemade wooden doll houses and it's possible the Dol Toi furniture was just too small. I also wonder how they ordered it or what store they got it from and how much they originally paid.

  6. Hi Amy;

    I just put up a post about Dol-Toi - http://susanshouses.blogspot.com/2010/03/dol-toi-furniture.html. What a coincidence that one of my favorite bloggers found some too.

    The dark wood on your furniture looks very much like the dark wood in my bedroom set. I think my furniture dates to the late 60's or early 70's because it came with my new (old) Lundby house. All my furniture is Lundby scale.

    Love your blog and your peeps.

